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Samuel Taylor Coleridge Lyrics
The Universe Smiles Upon You
White Gloves lyrics
Balls and Pins lyrics
Je t’aime lyrics
Think of Me lyrics
Dormi Jesu lyrics
The Aviary
The Lark lyrics
The Sacred Wood
Hamlet and His Problems lyrics
Tradition and the Individual Talent lyrics
Six Modern Lyrics
Since thou, O fondest lyrics
Lyrical Ballads
The Rime Of The Ancient Mariner lyrics
“Lines left upon a Seat in a Yew-tree which stands near the Lake of Esthwaite” lyrics
The Female Vagrant lyrics
Goody Blake and Harry Gill lyrics
“Lines written at a small distance from my House , and sent by my little Boy to the Person to whom they are addressed” lyrics
Simon Lee: The Old Hunstman lyrics
Anecdote for Fathers lyrics
We Are Seven lyrics
Lines Written in Early Spring lyrics
The Thorn lyrics
The Last of the Flock lyrics
The Mad Mother lyrics
The Idiot Boy lyrics
“Lines written near Richmond, upon the Thames, at Evening” lyrics
Expostulation and Reply lyrics
The Tables Turned: An Evening Scene on the Same Subject lyrics
Old Man travelling lyrics
The Complaint of a forsaken Indian Woman lyrics
The Convict lyrics
Lines Written a Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey lyrics
Preface to Lyrical Ballads (1802 Version) lyrics
Simon Lee, the old Huntsman lyrics
The Dungeon lyrics
The Foster-Mother’s Tale lyrics
The Nightingale, a Conversational Poem lyrics
The Rime of the Ancyent Marinere lyrics
Biographia Literaria
Biographia Literaria (Ch. 1) lyrics
Biographia Literaria (Ch. 12) lyrics
Biographia Literaria (Ch. 2) lyrics
Lyrical Ballads
The Nightingale, a conversational poem. lyrics
The Complete Poetical Works of Samuel Taylor Coleridge. Vol I
Easter Holidays lyrics
Dura Navis lyrics
Nil Pejus est Caelibe Vitâ lyrics
Sonnet: To the Autumnal Moon lyrics
Anthem for the Children of Christ’s Hospital lyrics
Julia lyrics
Quae Nocent Docent lyrics
The Nose lyrics
To the Muse lyrics
Destruction of the Bastile lyrics
Life lyrics
Progress of Vice lyrics
Monody on the Death of Chatterton lyrics
Anna and Harland lyrics
To the Evening Star lyrics
Pain lyrics
On a Lady Weeping lyrics
Monody on a Tea-kettle lyrics
Genevieve lyrics
On receiving an Account that his Only Sister’s Death was Inevitable lyrics
On seeing a Youth Affectionately Welcomed by a Sister lyrics
A Mathematical Problem lyrics
Honour lyrics
Inside the Coach lyrics
Devonshire Roads lyrics
Music lyrics
Sonnet: On quitting School for College lyrics
Absence lyrics
Happiness lyrics
A Wish lyrics
To Disappointment lyrics
A Fragment found in a Lecture-room lyrics
Ode lyrics
A Lover’s Complaint to his Mistress lyrics
With Fielding’s ‘Amelia’ lyrics
Written after a Walk before Supper lyrics
Imitated from Ossian lyrics
The Complaint of Ninathóma lyrics
Songs of the Pixies lyrics
The Rose lyrics
Kisses lyrics
The Gentle Look lyrics
Sonnet: To The River Otter lyrics
An Effusion at Evening lyrics
Lines: On an Autumnal Evening lyrics
To Fortune lyrics
On Bala Hill lyrics
Lines: Written at the King’s Arms lyrics
Lines: To a Beautiful Spring in a Village lyrics
Imitations: Ad Lyram lyrics
To Lesbia lyrics
Moriens Superstiti lyrics
The Sigh lyrics
The Kiss lyrics
To a Young Lady lyrics
Translation of Wrangham’s ‘Hendecasyllabi ad Bruntonam e Granta Exituram’ lyrics
To Miss Brunton lyrics
Pantisocracy lyrics
On the Prospect of establishing a Pantisocracy in America lyrics
Elegy lyrics
The Faded Flower lyrics
The Outcast lyrics
To the Author of ‘The Robbers’ lyrics
Melancholy. A Fragment lyrics
To a Young Ass lyrics
Lines on a Friend who Died of a Frenzy Fever induced by Calumnious Reports lyrics
To a Friend together with an Unfinished Poem lyrics
Sonnets on Eminent Characters lyrics
To the Honourable Mr. Erskine lyrics
Burke lyrics
Priestley lyrics
La Fayette lyrics
Koskiusko lyrics
Pitt lyrics
To the Rev. W. L. Bowles lyrics
Mrs. Siddons lyrics
To William Godwin lyrics
To Robert Southey of Baliol College lyrics
To Richard Brinsley Sheridan lyrics
To Lord Stanhope lyrics
To Earl Stanhope lyrics
Lines: To a Friend in Answer to a Melancholy Letter lyrics
To an Infant lyrics
To the Rev. W. J. Hort lyrics
Pity lyrics
Lines: Composed while climbing the Left Ascent of Brockley Coomb, Somersetshire lyrics
Lines in the Manner of Spenser lyrics
The Hour when we shall meet again lyrics
Lines written at Shurton Bars lyrics
The Eolian Harp lyrics
To the Author of Poems lyrics
The Silver Thimble lyrics
Reflections on having left a Place of Retirement lyrics
Religious Musings lyrics
The Destiny of Nations. A Vision lyrics
Ver Perpetuum. Fragment from an Unpublished Poem lyrics
On observing a Blossom on the First of February 1796 lyrics
To a Primrose. The First seen in the Season lyrics
Verses lyrics
On a Late Connubial Rupture in High Life lyrics
Sonnet: On receiving a Letter informing me of the Birth of a Son lyrics
Sonnet: Composed on a Journey Homeward lyrics
Sonnet: To a Friend who asked how I felt lyrics
Sonnet: To Charles Lloyd lyrics
To a Young Friend on his proposing lyrics
Addressed to a Young Man of Fortune lyrics
To a Friend [Charles Lamb] lyrics
Ode to the Departing Year lyrics
The Raven or, A Christmas Tale, Told by a School-boy to His Little Brothers and Sisters. (1798) lyrics
To an Unfortunate Woman at the Theatre lyrics
To an Unfortunate Woman whom the Author had known in the days of her Innocence lyrics
To the Rev. George Coleridge lyrics
On the Christening of a Friend’s Child lyrics
The Foster-mother’s Tale lyrics
The Dungeon lyrics
Sonnets attempted in the Manner of Contemporary Writers lyrics
Parliamentary Oscillators lyrics
Christabel lyrics
Lines to W. L. lyrics
Fire, Famine, and Slaughter lyrics
Frost at Midnight lyrics
France: An Ode. lyrics
The Old Man of the Alps lyrics
To a Young Lady on her Recovery from a Fever lyrics
Lewti, or the Circassian Love-chaunt lyrics
Fears in Solitude lyrics
The Three Graves lyrics
The Wanderings of Cain lyrics
The Ballad of the Dark Ladié lyrics
Recantation: Illustrated in the Story of the Mad Ox lyrics
Hexameters lyrics
Translation of a Passage in Ottfried’s Metrical Paraphrase of the Gospel lyrics
Catullian Hendecasyllables lyrics
On a Cataract lyrics
Tell’s Birth-Place lyrics
The Visit of the Gods lyrics
Water Ballad lyrics
Something Childish, but very Natural. Written in Germany lyrics
Home-Sick. Written in Germany lyrics
Lines written in the Album at Elbingerode in the Hartz Forest lyrics
The British Stripling’s War-Song lyrics
Names lyrics
Lines composed in a Concert-room lyrics
Hexameters. Paraphrase of Psalm xlvi lyrics
Hymn to the Earth lyrics
Mahomet lyrics
Ode to Georgiana, Duchess of Devonshire lyrics
A Christmas Carol lyrics
Talleyrand to Lord Grenville. A Metrical Epistle lyrics
Apologia pro Vita sua lyrics
The Keepsake lyrics
A Thought suggested by a View of Saddleback in Cumberland lyrics
The Mad Monk lyrics
Inscription for a Seat by the Road Side half-way up a Steep Hill facing South lyrics
A Stranger Minstrel lyrics
Alcaeus to Sappho lyrics
The Two Round Spaces on the Tombstone lyrics
The Snow-drop. lyrics
On Revisiting the Sea-shore lyrics
Ode to Tranquillity lyrics
To Asra lyrics
The Picture, or the Lover’s Resolution lyrics
To Matilda Betham from a Stranger lyrics
Hymn before Sun-rise, in the Vale of Chamouni lyrics
The Good, Great Man lyrics
Inscription for a Fountain on a Heath lyrics
An Ode to the Rain lyrics
A Day-dream lyrics
The Day-dream. From an Emigrant to his Absent Wife lyrics
The Happy Husband. A Fragment lyrics
The Pains of Sleep lyrics
The Exchange lyrics
Ad Vilmum Axiologum lyrics
Sonnet lyrics
A Sunset lyrics
What is Life lyrics
The Blossoming of the Solitary Date-tree lyrics
Separation lyrics
The Rash Conjurer lyrics
A Child’s Evening Prayer lyrics
Metrical Feet. Lesson for a Boy lyrics
Farewell to Love lyrics
To William Wordsworth lyrics
Recollections of Love lyrics
To Two Sisters lyrics
A Tombless Epitaph lyrics
The Madman and the Lethargist lyrics
The Visionary Hope lyrics
The Virgin’s Cradle-hymn lyrics
The Suicide’s Argument lyrics
Time, Real and Imaginary lyrics
An Invocation. From Remorse lyrics
The Night-scene lyrics
A Hymn lyrics
To a Lady, with Falconer’s Shipwreck lyrics
Human Life. On the Denial of Immortality lyrics
Song. From Zapolya lyrics
Hunting Song. From Zapolya lyrics
Faith, Hope, and Charity. From the Italian of Guarini lyrics
To Nature lyrics
Limbo lyrics
Ne Plus Ultra lyrics
The Knight’s Tomb lyrics
Israel’s Lament lyrics
Fancy in Nubibus, or the Poet in the Clouds lyrics
The Tears of a Grateful People lyrics
Youth and Age lyrics
The Reproof and Reply lyrics
The Delinquent Travellers lyrics
Work without Hope. Lines composed 21st February, 1825 lyrics
Sancti Dominici Pallium. A Dialogue between Poet and Friend lyrics
A Character lyrics
The Two Founts lyrics
Constancy to an Ideal Object lyrics
The Pang more Sharp than All. An Allegory lyrics
Duty surviving Self-love. The only sure Friend of declining Life lyrics
Lines suggested by the last Words of Berengarius; ob. Anno Dom. 1088 lyrics
Epitaphium Testamentarium lyrics
The Improvisatore; or, ‘John Anderson, My Jo, John’ lyrics
To Mary Pridham lyrics
Alice du Clos; or, The Forked Tongue. A Ballad lyrics
Love’s Burial-place lyrics
Lines: To a Comic Author, on an Abusive Review lyrics
On my Joyful Departure from the same City lyrics
The Garden of Boccaccio lyrics
Love, Hope, and Patience in Education. lyrics
Lines written in Commonplace Book of Miss Barbour, Daughter of the Minister of the U. S. A. to England lyrics
Love and Friendship Opposite lyrics
Not at Home lyrics
Phantom or Fact. A Dialogue in Verse lyrics
[Coeli Enarrant.] lyrics
Self-knowledge lyrics
Forbearance lyrics
Love’s Apparition and Evanishment lyrics
To the Young Artist Kayser of Kaserwerth lyrics
My Baptismal Birth-day lyrics
The Complete Poetical Works of Samuel Taylor Coleridge. Vol II
On Mr. Ross, usually Cognominated Nosy lyrics
Job’s Luck lyrics
Epitaph on a Bad Man (Three Versions) lyrics
Epitaph on a Mercenary Miser lyrics
On the Curious Circumstance, That in the German lyrics
Authors and Publishers lyrics
Lines to Thomas Poole lyrics
To a Well-known Musical Critic lyrics
To T. Poole: An Invitation lyrics
Drinking versus Thinking lyrics
The Wills of the Wisp lyrics
To Captain Findlay lyrics
On Donne’s Poem ‘To a Flea’ lyrics
[Ex Libris S. T. C.] lyrics
The Bridge Street Committee lyrics
Nonsense Sapphics lyrics
To Susan Steele lyrics
Association of Ideas lyrics
Cholera Cured Before-hand lyrics
To Baby Bates lyrics
To a Child lyrics
Fragments from a Notebook lyrics
Fragments lyrics
Over my Cottage lyrics
A Beck in Winter lyrics
[De Profundis Clamavi] lyrics
Fragment of an Ode on Napoleon lyrics
Epigram on Kepler lyrics
Translation of the First Strophe of Pindar’s Second Olympic lyrics
Imitated from Aristophanes lyrics
Elisa: Translated from Claudian lyrics
Profuse Kindness lyrics
Napoleon lyrics
The Three Sorts of Friends lyrics
A Simile lyrics
Baron Guelph of Adelstan. A Fragment lyrics
Nonsense lyrics
A Plaintive Movement lyrics
Nonsense Verses lyrics
Nonsense (’I wish on earth to sing’) lyrics
Once again, sweet Willow, wave thee’ lyrics
Songs of Shepherds, and rustical Roundelays’ lyrics
Other Songs
A Beck in Winter
A Hint to Premiers and First Consuls
A Mathematical Problem
A Metrical Accident
A Plaintive Movement
A Simile
A Soliloquy Of The Full Moon, She Being In A Mad Passion
Always Audible
An Angel Visitant
An Apology for Spencers
An evil spirit’s on thee, friend
An excellent adage
An Exile
An Experiment for a Metre
An Invocation
An Ode in the Manner of Anacreon
Anna and Harland
Answer to a Child’s Question
Anthem for the Children of Christ’s Hospital
Association of Ideas
Authors and Publishers
Ave, Atque Vale!
Baron Guelph of Adelstan. A Fragment
Biographia Literaria (Ch. 1)
Biographia Literaria (Ch. 12)
Biographia Literaria (Ch. 13)
Biographia Literaria (Ch. 2)
Bo-Peep and I Spy—
Bob now resolves
Charity in Thought
Charles, grave or merry
Cholera Cured Before-hand
Comparative Brevity of Greek and English
Dejection: An Ode
Destruction of the Bastile
Devonshire Roads
Domestic Peace
Drinking versus Thinking
Dura Navis
Each Bond-street buck
Easter Holidays
Elisa: Translated from Claudian
Epigram on Kepler
Epitaph 4B
Epitaph of the Present Year on the Monument of Thomas Fuller
Epitaph on a Bad Man (Three Versions)
Epitaph on a Mercenary Miser
Epitaph on an Infant
Epitaph on an Infant(1811)
Epitaph on Himself
Epitaph on Major Dieman
Fall 2014 Annotation Assignment 2: The Rime of the Ancient Mariner and Sea Ballads
First Advent of Love
For a House-Dog’s Collar
For a Market-clock
Fragment of an Ode on Napoleon
Fragments from a Notebook
From an Old German Poet
From me, Aurelia
From the German
Frost at Midnight 290
Hamlet and His Problems
Here lies the Devil
Humility the Mother of Charity
If I had but two little wings
If the guilt of all lying
Imitated from Aristophanes
Imitated from the Welsh
In Spain, that land
In vain I praise thee, Zoilus
Inscription for a Time-piece
Inside the Coach
Job’s Luck
Kubla Khan
Kubla Khan B2
Kubla Khan: or, a Vision in a Dream (Omar Soriano)
Lines in a German Student’s Album
Lines to Thomas Poole
Love (4A)
Love’s Sanctuary
Modern Critics
Money, I’ve heard
Monody on a Tea-kettle
Monody on the Death of Chatterton
Morienti Superstes
Motto for a Transparency
My Godmother’s Beard
Nil Pejus est Caelibe Vitâ
Nonsense (’I wish on earth to sing’)
Nonsense Sapphics
Nonsense Verses
Nothing speaks our mind
Occasioned by the Former
Occasioned by the Last
Of smart pretty Fellows
Old Harpy
On a Discovery Made Too Late
On a Lady Weeping
On a Late Marriage between an Old Maid and French Petit Maître
On a Reader of His Own Verses
On a Report of a Minister’s Death
On a Slanderer
On a Volunteer Singer
On an Amorous Doctor
On an Infant which died before Baptism
On an Insignificant
On Deputy ——
On Donne’s Poem ‘To a Flea’
On Donne’s Poetry
On Imitation
On Mr. Ross, usually Cognominated Nosy
On Pitt and Fox
On receiving an Account that his Only Sister’s Death was Inevitable
On seeing a Youth Affectionately Welcomed by a Sister
On Sir Rubicund Naso
On the Above
On the Curious Circumstance, That in the German
On the Most Veracious Anecdotist
On the Secrecy of a Certain Lady
On the Sickness of a Great Minister
Once again, sweet Willow, wave thee’
Over my Cottage
Pondere non Numero
Profuse Kindness
Progress of Vice
Quae Nocent Docent
Reason for Love’s Blindness
Say what you will, Ingenious Youth
Scarce any scandal
So Mr. Baker
Song, ex improviso, on hearing a Song in praise of a Lady’s Beauty
Song, To be Sung by the Lovers of all the noble liquors
Songs of Shepherds, and rustical Roundelays’
Sonnet: To the Autumnal Moon
Spots in the Sun
The Alternative
The Bridge Street Committee
The Compliment Qualified
The Death of the Starling
The Female Vagrant
The Homeric Hexameter described and exemplified
The Lark
The Man Who Took My Sunglasses
The Netherlands
The Nightingale, a conversational poem.
The Nose
The Ovidian Elegiac Metre described and exemplified
The Proper Unmodified Dochmius
The Rime Of The Ancient Mariner
The Rime of the Ancient Mariner In Seven Parts, from Sibylline Leaves (1817)
The Second Birth
The Taste of the Times
The Three Sorts of Friends
The Wills of the Wisp
There comes from old Avaro’s grave
There in some darksome shade’
This Lime-Tree Bower My Prison
This Lime-Tree Bower My Prison (British Lit Assignment)
To a Certain Modern Narcissus
To a Child
To a Critic
To a Lady offended by a Sportive Observation that Women have no Souls
To a Lady who requested me to Write a Poem upon Nothing
To a Proud Parent
To a Vain Young Lady
To a Well-known Musical Critic
To Baby Bates
To be ruled like a Frenchman
To Captain Findlay
To Edward Irving
To Miss A. T.
To Mr. Pye
To my Candle
To One Who Published in Print
To Susan Steele
To T. Poole: An Invitation
To the Evening Star
To the Muse
To ——
Translation of a Fragment of Heraclitus
Translation of a Latin Inscription
Translation of the First Strophe of Pindar’s Second Olympic
Verses Trivocular
Westphalian Song
What is an Epigram
When Surface talks
Work without Hope
Written in an Album
[A Liar by Profession]
[Ars Poetica]
[De Profundis Clamavi]
[Dear Brother Jem]
[Ex Libris S. T. C.]
[Luther—De Dæmonibus]
[L’Enfant Prodigue]
[Not a Critic—But a Judge]
[The Night-Mare Death in Life]
[To a Virtuous Oeconomist]
Μωροσοφία, or Wisdom in Folly
“Kubla Khan Or, a vision in a dream. A Fragment”
“Lines left upon a Seat in a Yew-tree which stands near the Lake of Esthwaite”
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